Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing.
Work at the same time on sky, water, branches, ground, keeping everything going on an equal basis... Don't be afraid of putting on colour... Paint generously and unhesitatingly, for it is best not to lose the first impression.
God takes care of imbeciles, little children and artists.
Paint the essential character of things.
It is absurd to look for perfection.
At fifty, that is in 1880, I formulated the idea of unity, without being able to render it. At sixty, I am beginning to see the possibility of rendering it.
It is only by drawing often, drawing everything, drawing incessantly, that one fine day you discover to your surprise that you have rendered something in its true character.
I sometimes have a horrible fear of turning up a canvas of mine. I'm always afraid of finding a monster in place of the precious jewels I thought I had put there!
Don't be afraid in nature: one must be bold, at the risk of having been deceived and making mistakes.
Cover the canvas at the first go, then work at it until you see nothing more to add.
I began to understand my sensations, to know what I wanted, at around the age of forty - but only vaguely.
I remember that, although I was full of fervour, I didn't have the slightest inkling, even at forty, of the deeper side to the movement we were pursuing by instinct. It was in the air!
I regard it as a waste of time to think only of selling: one forgets one's art and exaggerates one's value.
Everything is beautiful, all that matters is to be able to interpret.
Observe that it is a great error to believe that all mediums of art are not closely tied to their time.
What I have suffered you cannot imagine. But what I'm going through circa 1878 now is even worse, much more so than when I was young.. ..because now I feel as if I have no future. Even so, if I had to do it again, I still think I wouldn't hesitate.
When you do a thing with your whole soul and everything that is noble within you, you always find your counterpart.
Never paint except with the three primary colors red, blue, and yellow and their derivatives.
I wish it to be thoroughly under stood that it is Mr. Seurat, an artist of great worth, who has been the first to conceive the idea of applying the scientific theory after making a profound study of it. I have only followed, like my confreres, the example set by Seurat.
Sisley, I hear, is seriously ill. He is a great and beautiful artist, in my opinion he is a master equal to the greatest. I have seen works of his of rare amplitude and beauty, among others an 'Inundation' in the Camondo collection, which is a masterpiece.
P.S. If you happen to see Seurat or if you write to Signac, tell them that I have tried the mixture of cadmium (well recommended by Contet) , with red, white and Veronese green. It becomes black in four or five days from the Veronese green. Even blacker than the chrome yellow mixture. Tell this to Contet.
Lighten your palette his remark to Cézanne circa 1873, to encourage Cézanne to use bright colors, paint only with the three primary colours and their derivatives.
Tell Père Tanguy to send me some paints. What I need most are ten tubes of white, two of chrome yellow, one bright red, one brown lac, one ultramarine, five Veronese green, one cobalt j I have on hand only one tube of white ... I expect to begin to paint again from nature, and I need the colors.
Yesterday Sisley was looking for me everywhere. Madame Latouche told me that he wanted some information about the technique of painting fans. Well, this means my fans are spoken of.. .I only fear one thing: that they will finally say that's all I am good for! fans!