After I broke my leg I had to go back and do one of the remakes of 'The Magnificent Seven' and ended up on a horse that pitched me off and broke my leg again... I rode horses pretty well. I just didn't like doing it.
I had a terrible motorcycle accident (in the 1970s), in San Francisco as matter of fact. Doing a picture called... oh, this is terrible. It's a very well-known film and I can't remember the name. That's what happens when you get older... I fell off a bridge in San Francisco and was laid up for two years.
It always amazes me when people go rent horses and ride them. You mean you want me to pay you to ride a horse?
Don't even think of acting as a profession unless not doing it would cause you to sicken and waste away.
You know, actors lie all the time. 'Can I ride on the horse? Are you kidding? Of course! I was born on a horse!'... It's the same with motorcycles.