A man is robbed on the Stock Exchange, just as he is killed in a war, by people whom he never sees.
There are women who do not like to cause suffering to many men at a time, and who prefer to concentrate on one man: These are the faithful women.
To marry a woman you love and who loves you is to lay a wager with her as to who will stop loving the other first.
Idiots have always been exploited, and this is only right. The day they cease to be, they will triumph, and the world will be lost.
My age? It depends, madam, on your intentions.
Happiness is the only thing one should ever be resigned to.
When a woman begins to point out that she is honest, it's time to be wary.
What was once known as a mature age, disappeared. Now people prefer to stay young for a long time, and then immediately fall into childhood.