In that instant they felt an overwhelming sense of pride and accomplishment. Though they had failed dismally even to come close to the expedition's original objective, they knew now that somehow they had done much, much more than ever they set out to do.
And all the defenses they had so carefully constructed to prevent hope from entering their minds collapsed.
The rapidity with which one can completely change one’s ideas . . . and accommodate ourselves to a state of barbarism is wonderful.
I have a great many opinions about writing, but I'm afraid that all of them are unprintable.
Even at home, with theatres and all sorts of amusements, changes of scene and people, four months idleness would be tedious: One can then imagine how much worse it is for us.
Of all their enemies - the cold, the ice, the sea - he feared none more than demoralization.
Whatever his mood—whether it was gay and breezy, or dark with rage—he had one pervading characteristic: he was purposeful.
No matter what the odds, a man does not pin his last hope for survival on something and then expect that it will fail.