The planetary etheric body is a whole, unbroken and continuous; of this etheric body, those of the healer and the patient are integral, intrinsic parts.
The entire universe is a great theatre of mirrors.
The clue to one's next step toward the door of initiation may be revealed at the Full Moon during the sign of Taurus.
Reincarnation is implicit in the manifested universe and is a basic and fundamental.
Let light and love and power and death fulfil the purpose of the Coming One.
People have sought to adjust the truth to the hour instead of adjusting the hour to the truth, and in diplomacy they have endeavoured to bring about as much of the reality as they deem wise.
Healing does not come through intense affirmation of divinity, or by simply pouring out love and the expression of a vague mysticism.It comes through mastering an exact science of contact, impression, of invocation plus an understanding of the subtle apparatus of the etheric vehicle.
Emphasis should be laid on the evolution of humanity.