Whether I'm painting or not, I have this overweening interest in humanity. Even if I'm not working, I'm still analyzing people.
When women finally get liberated, they'll do the same that men do - dog eat dog - that's what our culture is...
You can't leave humanity out. If you didn't have humanity, you wouldn't have anything.
If you're sufficiently tenacious and interested, you can accomplish what you want to accomplish in this world.
I like it first to be art, so actually dividing up the canvas is one of the most exciting things for me.
I don't paint like a woman is supposed to paint. Thank God, art doesn't bother about things like that.
The place where I had freedom most was when I painted. I was completely and utterly myself.
It was more than a profession. It was even a therapy, for there I just told it as it was. It takes a lot of courage in life to tell it how it is.