Things happen in a way that surprises. That's why I'm reluctant to predict. You cannot predict.
The ingredients for another Palestinian uprising are always there because as long as there is so much violence it is bound to explode. How, I cannot tell. But people will not accept it forever.
What journalism is really about-it's to monitor power and the centres of power.
As a Jew and a journalist I have my privileges, and if one doesn't work I use the other one.
I think these questions about what will happen are questions for activists and about the agency of people in the course of events. This is not a question for a journalist, but for activists.
In the end there is a choice. And my choice is to be against the occupation, and not only the occupation but the whole system of discrimination and dispossession.
I am a very conservative journalist and prefer to write about what happened, and not what will happen.
An ideology that divides the world into those who are worth more and those who are worth less, into superior and inferior beings, does not have to reach the dimensions of the German genocide to be wrong.