You know in fairness Gary [Johnson] and I have not agreed on a number of substantive issues in this campaign, tax policy, we've had some influence on each other, I think I've had some influence on him, on constructive engagement around the world, he's had some influence on me in criminal justice reform issues.
Speaking of tax fairness, it was Senator Kerry who voted to increase the income tax on senior citizens on Social Security, earning as little as $32,000 a year.
Managing people's sex lives is something that I don't think is a good role for government.
We thought for the longest time we might have a chance to run the table because we're such nice guys and centrist party, etcetera, but not getting into the debates really sort of foreclosed that option.
Much is forgiven anyone who relieves the desperate boredom of the working press.
I suggest to you that increasing the size of America's economic pie - which can be achieved only if everybody has a seat at the table - is the most important challenge facing our country today.
I think Gary Johnson was probably expressing frustration at a series of pop quizzes. He actually was more authoritative on what to do in Syria before the Aleppo moment than any of the other candidates. And I think he called it about right. There is too many different rebel groups there. And it`s a terribly confused situation.
Liberals often don't see the problems, and conservatives don't see the promise, of government.
In the nineteenth century, slavery was the greatest wrong, and government never stood so tall as when it was redressing that wrong.
I believe in the platform of the Libertarian party, which is different from that of the other two parties and I believe that it would be good for the country if the Libertarians were - had a seat at the table to speak truth to power of the other two parties, which now have this monopoly in Washington. Having said that, I'm not taking back anything I said about the massive difference between the two establishment party candidates.
Micro managing anything is not a great role for government.
Government has a role as well in what is referred to as redistributive justice.
I dare say that a majority of the American people think that having a fair hearing on an issue of importance in our relations with Mexico is extremely important to our national interest, as well as theirs.
It's completely idiot proof." I told them they've got it all wrong. I want a machine that is "idiot friendly.
Gary Johnson and I have a good platform of having been fiscally conservative and we`re socially inclusive. And that`s different from both the other parties. The voters have a right to see that choice to be fiscally conservative and socially liberal. That doesn`t describe either of the other parties.
The best preparation for work is not thinking about work, talking about work, or studying for work: it is work.
So government acts as a safeguard of our property.
Nobody can tell me that no changes are necessary in Washington.