Mahatma Gandhi Quotes
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One of the most effective tools in Brazil's efforts to eradicate slavery is a register compiled by the government that lists individuals and businesses found using slave labor. Those on the 'dirty list,' as the register is known, are fined and remain on it for a minimum of two years during which they cannot access public funds.
I enjoy all kinds of performances and take each role differently. I keep the audiences in mind.
I've always played strong women who are doing their own thing.
I have great respect for children. And I have great respect for their ability as writers.
Katie Holmes is really amazing.
Let life happen to you. Believe me: life is in the right, always.
I think the biggest part of a good party is the host and then going around making sure nobody's left alone and knows enough about the people in the room to know who to introduce to whom.
You always want to try, in everything you do, to attempt something you've never tried before, and the only way to succeed at that is through failure, and the only way to succeed through failure is just banging your head against the wall over and over until you get to that interesting thing on the other side.
I listen to a lot of different kinds of music, and I feel like I can pull ideas from practically anything. You name it - I'll probably like it.
I'm a really good parent to myself sometimes, and I do things that make me learn and grow.
I love to read poetry but I haven't written anything that I'm willing to show anybody.
Acting is not my favourite thing. I don't like wearing costumes and wigs.
Men, women, and children who cannot live on gravity alone need something to satisfy their gayer, lighter moods and hours, and he who ministers to this want is, in my opinion, in a business established by the Creator of our nature. If he worthily fulfills his mission and amuses without corrupting, he need never feel that he has lived in vain.
I have an hourglass shape, and I think it's important to understand your body type and your personality type. Then make whatever is on trend and in fashion work for you.
In early Islam, it was an absolute tenet that the prophet was not to be worshipped. The prophet was a messenger. And one of the things that's happened in Islam is this cult of the prophet, which to my view is counter to the original tradition.
One of the things that made the Internet so explosive and such an economic and intellectual force is because of the free-market enterprise in a country like the U.S. controlling access to it.
Psychoanalysts have been occupied for a long time with the difficult question of what the psychological conditions are which determine the form of the neurotic disease to which the individual will succumb. It is as though he had a choice between different illnesses and led by unknown impulses selected one or other of them.
In a world where people are hungry for quick fixes and sound bites, for instant gratification, there's no patience for the long, slow rebuilding process: implementing after-school programs, hiring more community workers to act as mentors, adding more job training programs in marginalized areas.
I think, on the whole that scientists make slightly better husbands and fathers than most of us, and I admire them for it.
Not only the studying and writing of history but also the honoring of it both represent affirmations of a certain defiant faith - a desperate, unreasoning faith, if you will - but faith nevertheless in the endurance of this threatened world - faith in the total essentiality of historical continuity.
For without risk there is no faith, and the greater the risk, the greater the faith.
Should the time come when the county family will be taken away, then the parish will feel for some time like a mouth from which a molar has been drawn - there will be a vacancy that will cause unrest and discomfort.
It's nothing to be ashamed of and that there are even beneficial traits associated with the condition. Most importantly, acknowledge yourself for who you are and if you're struggling with anything resembling ADD get professionally diagnosed.
Faith alone is the sun of life.