The things that really matter don't mix with idle chatter.
All the classic jazz players all sang and a lot of 'em sang blues.
Everybody cryin' mercy / When they don't know the meaning of the word.
I have no idea what I'm doin'. I've never seen me.
I went through the whole number, you know. The swing era, the boogie woogie era, the bebop era. Thelonious Monk is still one of my favorites. So a lot of these people had their effect on me.
I never sit down and write. I just sorta let things form in my brain.
I been getting good crowds. It only took 50 years.
I don't sit down to write a song; they just come to me from something that somebody says, or something in the news. The punchline comes to me, and I go over it in my head and get the song form. I hadn't been doing that a lot.
Ever since the world ended, I don't go out as much
I don't remember any impression [from blues].The blues was just everywhere in the Mississippi Delta. It was mostly black sharecroppers living there, and there was a lot of blues around. Sometimes the guys would sing the blues in the fields, working.