I know them by their rave names, Deacon and Sushi. They're both total sweethearts, they loved to party, loved the rave scene.
We'd like to have it done tomorrow if we could, but only the first phase is currently funded. We're looking at grant programs and other funding opportunities for the rest of the improvements.
Even when she calls me sometimes, I wish I had something to offer her to make a day go easier, to make a night go faster.
We're hoping to have the weather on our side this year unlike last year.
It's not right when we have teachers that are fudging on the test scores because they want to look good.
It's all about making the other person feel good.
I had been out of form during the last two weeks and I wanted to show the coaching staff I was back to my best. We didn't want the wooden spoon either.
It was kind of a lot to take in, but it was extremely interesting. It makes you think about how many problems there really are with racial identity. It opens your eyes and changes your perspective of the world and what you thought was normal.