Leading unbelievers to Christ is a greater cause than insisting on justice in human relationships. Believers are to defer their craving for justice until the last day, trusting God as Jesus did.
Biblical spirituality does not consist primarily of mystical, emotional experience, inward impressions and feelings, introspective meditation, or a monastic withdrawal from the world. The primary spiritual disciplines advocated by Scripture are prayer and the obedient study of God’s Word.
John’s Gospel, together with the Book of Romans, may well be considered the enduring “twin tower".
If Jesus were to be completely removed from the equation, Americans could continue to celebrate Christmas with hardly an interruption.
Genuine spirituality will result in academic excellence.
The siren song of pluralism will always drown out the sobering voice of history.
A willingness to live with irresolvable questions is a mark of intellectual maturity, not a matter of logical nonsense.
The Bible continues to tell the story of how God did not simply walk away from his creation in the midst of turmoil and rebellion but purposed to rescue it at great cost to himself through the sacrificial death and subsequent resurrection of his Son, Jesus.
Despite what some Christians may want to believe, Christmas, as celebrated by many Americans, is a cultural, not a religious holiday. If Jesus were to be completely removed from the equation, Americans could continue to celebrate Christmas with hardly an interruption.
We join God’s story and allow him to write our stories by engaging in his mission to the world as his image bearers and commissioned representatives.