Riches, both material and spiritual, can choke you if you do not use them fairly. For not even God can put anything in a heart that is already full.
Mother Teresa -
What is called generosity is usually only the vanity of giving; we enjoy the vanity more. If you can't feed a hundred people, then just feed one.
Mother Teresa
I think the world today is upside down, and is suffering so much, because there is so very little love in the homes and in family life.
Mother Teresa -
People who love each other fully and truly are the happiest people in the world. They may have little, they may have nothing, but they are happy people. Everything depends on how we love one another.
Mother Teresa -
Prayer in action is love, and love in action is service. Try to give unconditionally whatever a person needs in the moment. The point is to do something, however small, and show you care through your actions by giving your time ... Do not worry about why problems exist in the world - just respond to people's needs ... We feel what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean, but that ocean would be less without that drop.
Mother Teresa -
We learn humility through accepting humiliations cheerfully.
Mother Teresa -
I know i am touching the living body of Christ in the broken bodies of the hungry and the suffering.
Mother Teresa -
If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.
Mother Teresa
I once picked up a woman from a garbage dump and she was burning with fever; she was in her last days and her only lament was: My son did this to me. I begged her: You must forgive your son. In a moment of madness, when he was not himself, he did a thing he regrets. Be a mother to him, forgive him. It took me a long time to make her say: I forgive my son. Just before she died in my arms, she was able to say that with a real forgiveness. She was not concerned that she was dying. The breaking of the heart was that her son did not want her. This is something you and I can understand.
Mother Teresa -
Keep the corners of your mouth turned up. Speak in a low, persuasive tone. Listen; be teachable. Laugh at good stories and learn to tell them...For as long as you are green, you can grow.
Mother Teresa -
If you are discouraged it is a sign of pride, because it shows you trust in your own powers.
Mother Teresa -
The way to plan the family is natural family planning, not contraception...This turns the attention to self and so it destroys the gift of love in him or her. In loving, the husband and wife must turn the attention to each other as happens in natural family planning, and not to self, as happens in contraception. Once that living love is destroyed by contraception, abortion follows easily . . . And abortion, which often follows from contraception, brings a people to be spiritually poor, and that is the worst poverty and the most difficult to overcome.
Mother Teresa -
There is hunger for ordinary bread, and there is hunger for love, for kindness, for thoughtfulness, and this is the great poverty that makes people suffer so much.
Mother Teresa -
Never let anything so fill you with sorrow as to make you forget the joy of Christ risen.
Mother Teresa
You priests are called 'another Christ.'
Mother Teresa -
Holiness is not the luxury of a few people, but a simple duty for you and me.
Mother Teresa -
As Lent is the time for greater love, listen to Jesus' thirst...'Repen t and believe' Jesus tells us. What are we to repent? Our indifference, our hardness of heart. What are we to believe? Jesus thirsts even now, in your heart and in the poor -- He knows your weakness. He wants only your love, wants only the chance to love you.
Mother Teresa -
The person who gives with a smile is the best giver because God loves a cheerful giver.
Mother Teresa -
It often happens that those who spend their time giving light to others, remain in darkness themselves.
Mother Teresa -
Prayer enlarges the heart until it is capable of containing God's gift of Himself. Ask and seek and you heart will grow big enough to receive Him and to keep Him as your own. Wherever God has put you, that is your vocation. It is not what we do but how much love we put into it.
Mother Teresa
On certain continents poverty is more spiritual than material, a poverty that consists of loneliness, discouragement, and the lack of meaning in life.
Mother Teresa -
Faith is more important to me than life itself because without it there would be no fullness of life.
Mother Teresa -
Words which do not give the light of Christ increase the darkness.
Mother Teresa -
The joy of Jesus will be my strength - it will be in my heart. Every person I meet will see it in my work; my walk, my prayer - in everything.
Mother Teresa