Tony Abbott Quotes
We are naturally reluctant as a peace-loving people to reach out to far-away conflicts but, as we know, this conflict has been reaching out to us for months now.
Tony Abbott
Quotes to Explore
You know, mind allows us to portray in different sensory modalities, visual, auditory, olfactory, you name it, what we are like and what the world is like. But this very, very important quality of subjectivity, this quality that allows us to take a distant view and say, "I am here, I exist, I have a life and there are things around me that refer to me." That me-ness, M-E-hyphen, that is what really constitutes consciousness.
Antonio Damasio
A growing body of clinical observation has pointed to the conclusion that the family therapy must be oriented to the family as a whole.
Virginia Satir
There's no one on this earth taken less seriously in a leadership context than a young woman - everything is against you.
Abigail Disney
If you just can't seem to get ahead, you might need to check your priorities. If you've had difficulties setting your priorities, ask God to help you.
Victoria Osteen
When sleep leaves the body like smoke and man, sated with secrets, drives the overworked nag of quarrel out of its stall, then the fire-breathing union begins anew . . .
Nelly Sachs
I reach for my briefcase, take out a yellow legal pad and take a pen from my coat pocket. Then I make a list of all the items people think of as being goals: cost-effective purchasing, employing good people, high technology, producing products, producing quality products, selling quality products, capturing market share. I even add some others like communications and customer satisfaction. All of those are essential to running the business successfully. What do they all do? They enable the company to make money. But they are not the goals themselves; they’re just the means of achieving the goal.
Eliyahu M. Goldratt