To lose one's keys is the equivalent of losing one's mind.
There are two ways to get rid of an anxiety monster,my friend-you either have a bath or a nap.
We are now, all of us, cinematographers for the movie of our own lives. Not the star. Not the director. Not even the writer.
Remember that the truth within yourself will always be greater than the truth found in these pages. These stories are here to guide us—to help us find that truth, not to tell us what it is.
As far as I can tell, you remain a mystery to yourself until the day you die.
No one gets found in love. Everyone gets lost in it, Because love is overwhelming. Its beyond your control. You have to relinquish control to be in love. And that’s a good thing. There’s a beauty to being lost in something bigger than you.
Okay, there's this thing you can do, a thing you can do like no other person on this planet. That makes you special, but being special ready doesn't mean anything. You still have to get dressed in the morning. Your shoelaces still break. Your lover will still leave you if you don't treat her right.
Why do bad things happen to good people?Because it makes a good story.