One of the reasons why people come to America is that there are fewer speed bumps to the top of the ladder in comparison with other countries.
What is it about the government and its agents and employees that they can lie to us with impunity, but we risk being sent to jail if we lie to them?
Only problem is, we the people are not asked to choose liberty or security. In fact, we the people are often misled to believe that the only way to protect the homeland is by acquiescing, by placing our freedoms at the feet of our protectors.
Legislators redistrict all the time to achieve desired results. They group people together based on how they think they will vote. There is something fundamentally wrong with this tactic; it is unconstitutional, it is manipulative, it is patronizing, and it infringes upon all citizens' right to vote.
Speech is one of the few abilities that human beings share across all creeds, faiths, races, and ethnicities. By nature, it connects us, it strengthens us, and it empowers us. Speech as affirmation or as dissent should be cherished and respected.
Assaults by fanatics on our safety... does not justify assaults by the government on our freedom!
Which would you choose: To be free or to be secure? State security and personal freedom often run along tense lines with each other, but our Constitution and its philosophical roots clearly bias freedom over safety.
Whenever we are attacked, people are willing to give up someone else's liberties for their own security.