I wish I had put a bet on, but thought it might have been disrespectful to the Holy Spirit.
I was walking across King's Cross station when a drunken Irishman came stumbling up and flung his arms around me. He wanted to thank me for the peace process in Northern Ireland.
People are being freed who shouldn't be. While supervision starts off pretty tight, it becomes more lax.
It is only by maintaining the current law and making it the norm that adoption takes place by married couples and stability for an adopted child can be achieved.
I think we have lost sight of something of importance, something which has always been at the heart of Conservatism which is the family - functioning as a family unit with legal rights and responsibilities and being able to make its choices and let its children grow strong.
For years I had been disillusioned by the Church of England's compromising on everything. The Catholic Church doesn't care if something is unpopular.
I cannot bear the language TV chefs use - they don't seem able to look at a plate of vegetables without accusing it of sexual activity.
I think the rest of the world will think we're made, and indeed we are. We've turned out the greatest Prime Minister in the post war years simply because of short term nerves.