Oakland Carl was the only Carl in the San Francisco Bay Area, and San Franciscans were, frankly, offended.
Just because you can't imagine something doesn't mean you can't do it.
Solve more problems than you create.
Think of people as people, not problems that need to be solved.
We need more completely sane people doing completely crazy things.
The clattering of humanity mixed in all its randomness was as relaxing to me as crickets chirping beside a rushing brook.
Human beings are terrible at accepting uncertainty, so when we’re ignorant, we make assumptions based on how we imagine the world.
Even on this most terrible days, even when the worst of us are all we can think of, I am proud to be a human.
Knowing something is a bad idea does not always decrease the odds that you will do it.
Being silly is still allowed, not excluded by adulthood. What's excluded by adulthood is thoughtlessness, so be thoughtful and silly...
I have convinced myself that if I am not using all of the tools I have in my disposal to do the maximum amount of good [...] then I am less of a good person than I could otherwise could be.
The power that each of us has over complete strangers to make them feel terrible and and frightened and weak is amazing.
Maya was the most effective talker I knew. It was like she wrote essays in her brain and then recited them verbatim. She once explained to me that she thought this was part of being Black in America. “Every black person who spends time with a lot of white people eventually ends up being asked to speak for every black person,” she told me one night after it was too late to still be talking, “and I hate that. It’s really stupid. And everyone gets to respond to that idiocy however they want. But my anxiety eventually made me extremely careful about everything I said, because of course I don’t represent capital-B Black People, but if people think I do, then I still feel a responsibility to try to do it well.
So here’s a really stupid thing about the world: The trick to looking cool is not caring whether you look cool. So the moment you achieve perfect coolness is simultaneously the moment that you actually, completely don’t care. I didn’t care about the gravitas of that TV show, and the freedom and security and confidence that came with that was a rush. It took me a while to realize that the feeling I was feeling was power.
Manhattan is less legit than it once was, for sure, but this is still the city that never sleep. It is also the city of ‘Behold the field in which I grow my fucks. Lay thine eyes upon it and see that it is barren.
Human beings are terrible at accepting uncertainty, so when we’re ignorant, we make assumptions based on how we imagine the world. And our guess is so obviously correct that other guesses seem, at best, willful ignorance—at worst, an attack.
Being annoyed by carefully crafted internet personas was part of my carefully crafted internet persona.
When you’re faced with something you don’t understand, I think the most natural thing but also the least interesting thing you can be is afraid...
Bravery is not strength in the face of a far lesser foe. Bravery is the exact opposite of that.
I had a very happy childhood; I just wasn’t a very happy child.
My annoyance became frustration, which became anger, which became hate, and hate is a long-burning fuel.
John Green is a very handsome, intelligent, and wise man. He smells really weird though.
It’s so much easier for people to get excited about disliking something than agreeing to like it. The circle jerk of mockery and self-congratulation was so intense I didn’t even notice I was at its center. It was so easy to get people to follow me, and in the end, that’s what I wanted.
That entire conversation had the feeling of a pleasant stroll inches away from the edge of the Grand Canyon.