Remembered reading once that a person had to grieve for half the length of the relationship itself. She’d lived with Glenn for nearly four years. Surely she must be close to finished by now.
Your quest is powerful. You needn’t apologize for the space it takes.
Shout. Then another, and another, a squall out.
In the whisper of the waves, I hear your name In the caress of the sunlight, I feel your lips In the hands of the wind, I feel your touch Everywhere, in everything, there you are I will not forget you, sweet love.
A line of Shakespeare, lodged in my head from one of the only classes I ever attended regularly in high school, runs through my mind: “Doubt thou the stars are fire, Doubt that the sun doth move, Doubt truth to be a liar, But never doubt I love.
I closed my eyes, wishing that I could capture this moment in a bottle and revisit it whenever I wanted. I breathed in the scent of his skin and the sex all over us and this new thing we’d created, the fragrance of us.
There was simply no doubt in her mind that she would one day find her own prince. He would kiss her, and Elena would Know, and they would Live Happily Ever After.
A girl without a mother who protects her is a girl at the mercy of the world.
It’s not about comparison, as my counselor used to say. My pain is my pain.
I’ve carried a torch of hatred for my mother for so long now that it’s hard to even see beyond the straw woman I’ve made of her.
At this point, I have more pens and ink than I could possibly use in three lifetimes, but that’s not the point.
It almost feels as if the tree is vibrating very subtly against my body, nourishing and aligning me.
It is absolutely love. For me, certainly.
Mouth with my hand as I look up to his dark eyes, eyes that crinkle a little at the corners. He smooths back my hair from my forehead. “Is that happiness too?” I let go of a soft laugh. “I don’t know. Let me try again.” And I pull him closer, lean back, and invite him to press into me as the ferry chugs across the water and the family nearby shrieks over raindrops that start to fall. I’m aware of a big drop that splashes on my forehead and a pair.
Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.
It was an honor to listen. Now I can carry it with me, right? And somebody heard him.
When I saw you, I recognized you, like I’ve been waiting, all this time, for you to show up. And there you were.
TEQUILA MENU Tequila is made from the fermented juice of the blue agave plant, and connoisseurs know there are four grades, just as there are grades of scotch or bourbon: blanco, bottled immediately; reposado, or “rested,” aged in oak for two months to less than a year; añejo, aged for at least a year; and extra añejo, aged for at least three years.
I am alive. I am human. I am loved.
A passion is a good way to get through something.
You’re having a crisis of faith. Just be there with it.
It was as if their feet ran on parallel train tracks and pulled in at the same stations at the same time, over and over.
That isn’t who you are. You’re afraid. And you cannot have a life of great meaning if you make decisions out of fear.
It’s just that everything is so . . . unreliable lately.” “You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water,” he said. “Is that a quote?” He nodded. “Rabindranath Tagore. He’s a great writer. You should read him.