Sometimes the measure of a person can only be gleaned through his interactions with others.
Anne Mallory -
Some people get dealt all the aces in life.
Anne Mallory
Lies from the closest to you are often the most numerous and paralyzing.
Anne Mallory -
Emotions are lovely. Even if they fall to the negative for a time. The sun will rise again another day. The sadness perhaps never forgotten, but a new day enjoyed in another way. A way that could not have been but for the sadness’s existence.
Anne Mallory -
Sometimes the world is better off if one always defaults to option number two.
Anne Mallory -
Better to leave dreams behind and go forward with purpose.
Anne Mallory -
Sometimes one appears to have more freedom than one actually possesses. It is easy to see what one wishes to see.
Anne Mallory -
I would destroy the city if something happened to you. I can't even bear the thought of it.
Anne Mallory
Beauty is something that is hard to debate. Every man thinks his ideal the best. But the wittiest woman rise to the top of this structure, conventional beauty often taking a back seat to a woman possessed of a clever tongue.
Anne Mallory -
No one is fine on his own. People just say they are.
Anne Mallory