So being two different people in one day unnerved me to no end.
If I began today, I would certainly remember that by becoming a movie actress one automatically becomes vulnerable in the matter of gossip.
There are worse things in life than being called a lady.
You see I found I didn't have to act to be happy.
Languages, literature, art, music, history: are all self-evident helps - and even mathematics and sciences, by training memory and demanding the analytical approach, are helpful by indirection.
I always believed in my characters. I lived them.
I'll leave the swearing to the Jane Fondas.
Years ago the public used to hound me but now I can go shopping in peace.
Parading about in the latest gowns and making dull platitudes for an entire evening doesn't constitute social success in my book.
And yet I think The White Cliffs of Dover one of my best films.
But friends invited me to a private screening of Emmanuelle and said I'd learn a few things. But I know all the swear words. I just don't use them. So I declined.
The glamour of Hollywood has never worn thin for me.
Music was as natural as breathing in our house.
You have no idea how it feels to know that you've cut someone to the quick. I'll never do it again, never, never.
You may laugh of the idea of the good will of others in Hollywood, but it's no laughing matter if you don't have it.
I'll never have to write my memoirs now after reading this. She had six husbands, at least six lovers - why, my life is so dull compared to hers! I've had one husband, one daughter, one house and no lovers.
One of the choicest occupations here is ripping reputations into pieces.
Ever since my United Nations work, for instance, they've been saying that I've gone into politics. The United Nations is a nonpolitical body.
If I arrived in Hollywood today, I would keep reminding myself not to try to make a big impression.
Mother, an accomplished musician, taught me to play the piano as a very small girl.
A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.
That's the kind of stuff you are offered today. Scripts that have you mixed up with young men. I find them utterly revolting. Of course WE never had to do nude scenes. I'm glad, too, because I'm susceptible to pneumonia.
They aren't interested in the fact that whenever they kick up dirt, the dirt rubs off on every one of us.
Our home in Louisville, Kentucky, where I was born on December 20, was one of great happiness.