Years, lovers, and glasses of wine. These are things that should never be counted.
God is not a watchmaker. God is a pimp.
It was as soft as a poached egg and, when he punctured it, oozed what appeared to be ivory-colored cream. He tried some. Richness flooded his mouth. The taste was fresh, almost like chewing grass, but filling and slightly sweet.
For a well-made cup of coffee is the proper beginning to an idle day. Its aroma is beguiling, its taste is sweet; yet it leaves behind only bitterness and regret. In that, it resembles, surely, the pleasures of love.
You see, love isn't just something you feel. Love is something you become. It's like – going to a new country, and realizing that you never particularly liked the place you left behind. It's like a sort of tingling and – oh, I don't know – when she smiles I just want to start clapping or something.
..they say you can’t really be in love with someone unless they love you too, don’t they?
People were often good, and did good things, such as the things that had been done to help after Vesuvius erupted, but as soon as those same people were given any authority or power, they abused it, or ignored the human consequences of their actions. And the people who ended up suffering most were always the women, because they had no authority or power.
A person can't choose where he's born. But he can choose where he spends his life.