The UK now boasts the highest level of broadband availability in the G8. We are now building on those efforts in becoming the first operator in the UK to commit to a national service which is capable of broadband speeds of up to 8Mbps. Our approach in getting the most out of ADSL technology means we get higher speeds to a national footprint as quickly as possible, making sure the opportunities are not just restricted to urban centers or those providers which operate their own networks.
Some said it couldn't be done. Many of my own people would prefer it if we were taking 10 or 15 years to complete the transformation.
Our U.K. and Canadian corporate clients want better access to U.S.-based institutional investors and hedge funds to expand their shareholder bases and increase their ability to raise growth capital
So here, for example, on a very bright sunny day, the camera was able to capture the detail on the blouse, despite how strong the sunlight was.
Foreign buyers started considering Argentina when we devalued our currency and property values dropped 40 percent. Those values have only just recovered to 1997 levels, and with airfare from Miami only $700 round-trip, we are drawing in a lot of Florida investors.
Greta has gone above and beyond to publicize this case and keep people interested. Getting involved the way she has been is an incredible effort. She's keeping people interested and keeping people looking.
With 21CN, BT and our suppliers are leading the world in next generation networks. Where we go with 21CN, others will follow, and the experience gained and expertise developed in this transformation of BT's network will set the standard for other next generation deployments.
If you already own high-quality lenses from a film SLR, you may be able to use them in a digital camera of the same brand, get high-quality pictures, and also save yourself some money in buying the camera.