Bella Andre Quotes
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The one thing that I appear to have been given, bearing in mind that I am capable of being very, very scatty and extremely lazy, is the ability to concentrate on something I choose to give my time to.
I know when I'm onstage, I don't think about how it looks, I just concentrate on really feeling what I hear. But I totally know I look like Gollum when I perform, so it's cool.
The ability to concentrate and to use your time well is everything if you want to succeed in business--or almost anywhere else for that matter.
The jack-of-all-trades seldom is good at any. Concentrate all of your efforts on one definite chief aim.
The soul should concentrate itself by itself.
I get a headache when films are too filled up with people. And I don't understand what's going on if there are too many extras walking around. This film was very comfortable for me, I want to see just the actors. This is how I can concentrate.
Put more frankly, they should keep they mouths shut and concentrate on their performances.
What I focus on in life is what I get. And if I concentrate on how bad I am or how wrong I am or how inadequate I am, if I concentrate on what I can't do and how there's not enough time in which to do it, isn't that what I get every time? And when I think about how powerful I am, and when I think about what I have left to contribute, and when I think about the difference I can make on this planet, then that's what I get. You see, I recognize that it's not what happens to you; it's what you do about it.
When we learn to give thanks, we are learning to concentrate not on the bad things, but on the good things in our lives.
My father could look straight ahead but concentrate on something on the very edge of his vision, almost nearly behind him.
My advice to my younger self would have been, "Chill. Concentrate on the poems. Everything else will work itself out."
Hodge and a couple other guys are kind of in a holding pattern. I'm going to sit down and have a discussion with Elijah. I think he's been a little bit hampered by the groin injury. Now, you're getting in the season, you've got to kind of concentrate on the guys you're going to play.
It's annoying when you've got a guitar and you're working on music and then you have to go and do the shopping or someone calls your mobile and you get distracted or you have to go out and do something. So it's nice to just concentrate on it one hundred percent and give your all to it.
You always have in the back of your mind that would be cool if you get recognized. But you can't concentrate on any of those things. You've got to just keep playing and doing your music and the rest is just a bonus.
I just like to be under the radar and concentrate and do my job.
I gave up tennis to study, but not before it had shown me how to focus and concentrate. It taught me self-discipline: I was playing four or five hours a day and doing five-mile runs. When I stopped, my energy had to be channelled into something else.
When we first went there we completely lacked confidence. Our manager told us our act was too long, and told us to drop certain numbers and concentrate on the exciting stuff. And he was right.
We tried to concentrate on what was achievable now.
There's nothing wrong with making little kids happy, but there's nothing wrong with wanting to be an adult actress. I mean a grown-up actress.
Charlie would bring a little more life, because he's younger. He's younger and he has more spunk. He'd be excited and jacked out of his mind to play, so if he came in there, it would be just a different attitude in terms of excitement and energy level, because he's a young guy that would be getting a shot.
I definitely don't take any of intrusions in my private life personally. You learn how to have a sense of humor pretty quickly. I honestly don't keep up on it unless it's something that would hurt someone else. I can take care of myself, that's not the problem. But it's just not fair to bring anyone else into the picture.
St. Ives is a wonderful place to live. It's a small fishing town and one can live there inexpensively. There's a sympathetic population of other artists, where you can exchange ideas, and it's quite rich in artistic thought.
Me personally, I wouldn't put my kids on television. But to each his own.
Don’t hold my hand in here. It’s hard for me to concentrate when you do.