Ohio has long been an embarrassment to charter-school supporters nationwide, with its trail of scandal and graft and abysmal student performance.
Laura Moser -
Diversity isn't just a hallmark of big cities anymore.
Laura Moser
It's a truism to say that my state, Texas, isn't a red state: It's a nonvoting state.
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My grandfather arrived in Houston in 1942 as a refugee from Nazi Germany. He had lost everything - his profession, his language, his money - but the city welcomed him, as it has hundreds of thousands of immigrants over the years.
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The beauty of kids is they don't care who you are, which is why people like the Obamas like them so much - they treat them like normal people.
Laura Moser -
Becoming a tutor was among the many attractive post-collegiate side careers I failed to pursue while devoting the bulk of my days to writing fiction.
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The friends I knew who tutored were well paid for work that seemed far less grueling than waitressing or late-night newspaper copy editing or all the other side gigs I attempted in my early twenties.
Laura Moser -
There's a nastiness to conversations about U.S. education reform, which are characterized by the kind of stark taking-of-sides that's usually reserved for debates over guns or abortion rights.
Laura Moser
As President Trump quickly moved to limit immigration, civil rights, and environmental protections, I felt fear for my young children, and guilt, too - as if I'd somehow betrayed the unspoken contract all parents make to give our children a better life than ourselves.
Laura Moser -
Houston's one of the most diverse urban areas in the entire country, and most people here are really proud of that.
Laura Moser -
I've basically worked as a journalist and a writer.
Laura Moser -
I was a campaign widow.
Laura Moser -
I've always wanted to walk the whole of the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal, which winds 184.5 miles from Georgetown to Cumberland, Maryland.
Laura Moser -
My husband and I were married in May 2007 on a sprawling rent-a-ranch in the Texas Hill Country. On the drive from Houston, we'd stopped off for our marriage license in the former produce aisle of a Winn Dixie-turned-courthouse in San Marcos and from there drove off the grid.
Laura Moser
The only lottery I've ever won was a $100 scratch-off card at age 16, and the 7-Eleven clerk who sold it to me said I was too young to claim my winnings.
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What role should religion play in the American public school classroom? My own knee-jerk response would be, 'none whatsoever,' but the Constitution isn't quite so direct on the subject.
Laura Moser -
I married a man whose Hindu father grew up in the rural north of India and whose Jewish mother grew up in the Bronx.
Laura Moser -
Wishy-washy equivocations - and not just on abortion, but on immigration, on civil rights, on income inequality - weaken all of us.
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Don't most of us agree that providing school meals to kids who need them is an overwhelmingly good thing? After all, nutrition is essential to proper cognitive development.
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The celebrity's desire to shape the next generation of young minds by opening a school is by no means unique to Diddy.
Laura Moser
Campaign widowhood totally suited me, and I soon began to suspect that our setup beat the bill-paying and bickering of an actual marriage.
Laura Moser -
I had to work up the courage to even imagine myself running for Congress. But I eventually decided that our country had a moral problem in only letting white men - even the right-minded ones - have a seat at the table.
Laura Moser -
New York City has an integration problem.
Laura Moser -
We can all get behind feeding the poorest kids in school, right?
Laura Moser