This report shows the war on terrorism became a war on immigrants
Anthony Romero -
When you've seen prejudice, you understand that we aren't finished, that we're still perfecting this American experiment.
Anthony Romero
We continue to see undeniable evidence that abuse and torture has been widespread and systematic, yet high-level government officials have not been held accountable for creating the policies that led to these atrocities.
Anthony Romero -
There is no question that US interrogations have resulted in deaths. High-ranking officials who knew about the torture and sat on their hands and those who created and endorsed these policies must be held accountable.
Anthony Romero -
Our nation is strengthened, not weakened, by those whistle-blowers who are courageous enough to speak out on violations of the law.
Anthony Romero -
Unfortunately, as our lawsuit shows today, those statements are patently false.
Anthony Romero -
Every new generation of LGBT Americans needs to be inspired by leaders who come out - whether in Congress, the nonprofit sector, the NFL, or corner offices of Fortune 100 companies.
Anthony Romero -
We regret that we have to bring this lawsuit to force our government to live up to American values.
Anthony Romero