If cybernetics is the science of control, management is the profession of control.
It is the concept of likelihood that a real understanding of probability resides, and we must learn how to measure it.
The purpose of a system is what it does. There is after all, no point in claiming that the purpose of a system is to do what it constantly fails to do.
A stochastic process is about the results of convolving probabilities-which is just what management is about, as well.
The strategies that managers employ are at least as important as the facilities at their disposal.
Instead of trying to specify a system in full detail, specify it only somewhat. You can then ride on the dynamics of the system in the direction you want to go.
Too close a view may interfere with one's grasp of an overall problem or concept.
Management problems are not respecters of the company organization, nor of the talents of the people appointed to solve them.