And in reverse, many older partners want a younger partner that they can teach and mold.
Sports became a bonding glue when the old boys' network ruled, There are lots of other networks, like the Pink Network, which is women; the Rainbow Network, which is gays; and the Puke-Stained Network, which is working mothers.
There is a lot of relief for daters who are serious about wanting to be in a relationship. This comes in the form of what appears to be dramatic changes like speed dating and Internet dating.
I hear from lots of people looking for love, unsuccessfully, that they’ve got a restrictive list of ‘filters,’ including age, when you open your age range filter by including younger people among your possibilities, you’ve got a whole new group of folks to date.
Having an exit strategy can be a social saver.... The key is keeping your little white lie plausible.
If you think flirting is corny, think again. Flirting is teasing, and teasing builds anticipation.
Simply put, female friendships face more obstacles because they often involve more emotion, more expectations and more potential for conflict.
There are plenty of younger people who are a lot more mature than older men and women, and who are such go-getters that they're more successful than people twice their age, they're more ready to date an older partner than you guessed.
A younger partner has more energy, and usually fewer or no kids of his or her own.
Honor your divorce and your new life the same way you honored your marriage.... And if you didn't honor your marriage, learn your lesson and honor your divorce.
If you're both single and available, go for it. But be impeccable with your behavior and your work. You're going to be under more scrutiny in this relationship than you would be if you were dating someone you didn't work with.