All the great cellists I revered played on this stage, including Casals, du Pré, Rostropovich, and, most of all, Mr. J. I was blown away by the thought of the impending concert. Like the old joke about Carnegie Hall, there is only one way to get to Avery Fisher and, that is, “practice, practice, practice.”
Spirituality for me is the sum total of all the acts of my day.
I told him that I liked “light” classical, such as Mozart, Handel, and Tchaikovsky. I didn’t really know what I was talking about since my exposure to Mozart was Eine kleine Nachtmusik, Handel meant Messiah, and Tchaikovsky meant the 1812 Overture.
We must find a common language and that common language for us is the key of E, English. You understand, right? In music, like in language, we must find common ground. When an orchestra tunes, that common ground is A.