The various levels of problems and issues are interwoven, so that solving any one of them without simultaneously addressing the others rarely works for long.
Structural work is only a bandage unless feelings have been healed.
We are neither this way nor that; we are a body which is in the midst of change and evaporating. We are timeless, thousands of years old, and involved with processes which go beyond our present identity. This gives us an eternal feeling, but one which is realizable right here in the moment.
Darkness, whether in mood or in night, is natural. So if we flow with the black bile of melancholia and endure the terrible darkness of depression, eventually we will break through into the light of joy. This is the Tao (the Way) of darkness or depression-this is the Mystery of its evolution.
We must be able to identify all the parts in a system and allow them to speak. All the parts in a group, even those we do not like or believe to be useless, must be present and supported.
Many of us would like the world to change, but we don't want to endure the trouble of helping make it happen.
The larger goal of Deep Democracy is not me changing you and you changing me. But we learning how to relate.
Harmony is a wonderful thing, but not nearly as powerful as awareness.
People have a need to feel their pain. Very often pain is the beginning of a great deal of awareness. As an energy center it awakens consciousness.
Leadership is a group project, and all of us are necessary to fill it. Wise leaders will realize this and encourage their groups to develop their own evolving leadership potential.