Art comes instinctively to us, but it is so uncertain. I have in front of me photographs of all Picasso’s best works. The mere I admire them the further I feel myself removed from all art, it seems so easy, so limited! We are part of the world creation, and we ourselves create nothing.
Arshile Gorky -
Movement is the translation of life, and if art depicts life, movement should come into art, since we are only aware of living because it moves.
Arshile Gorky
I was with Cézanne for a long time, and now naturally I am with Picasso.
Arshile Gorky -
When I feel tired and discouraged and I lie down on the sofa, then I think of the simplest thing I can – a piece of string – and I go in it and paint it. That's the way to keep painting – to create something inside that makes you want to recreate it.
Arshile Gorky -
..poor art for poor people.
Arshile Gorky -
I have to go away, but with regrets and with the firm intention to come back soon. I consider most sound I am an individual Gorky – and it is my individual feeling which counts for the most. Why? I do not know nor do I wish to know. I accept it as a fact, which does not need explanation.
Arshile Gorky -
Stuart Davis.. ..is one of but few, who realized his canvas as a.. ..two-dimensional surface plane.
Arshile Gorky -
It would be a sad thing for an artist if he knew how to paint. – so sad. An artist paints because it is a challenge to him – it is like trying to twist the devil. If you overcome it, there is no sport left. I don't even like to talk about painting. It is impossible to talk about painting because I don't know what it is. If I knew what it was I would get out a patent and then no one else would be able to paint.
Arshile Gorky