Positive reinforcement generates more behavior than is minimally required. We call this discretionary effort, and its presence in the workplace is the only way an organization can maximize performance.
The trendy management fads concentrate on antecedents, .. but the only thing that makes what you do (before a behavior) effective is its consistent pairing with a consequence. Antecedents get us going. Consequences keep us going.
If people don’t like you, practically nothing you do will be received well.
Getting the right behaviors to occur at the right time in the right way and at the right frequency is what separates the successful strategies from the unsuccessful ones.
Competence comes when successful outcomes are produced by values-driven, purposeful behaviors.
What percentage of the followers shares failures or mistakes with peers and the leader?
The best kind of performance review is no performance review.
People act the way they do because they have learned to act that way.