I think my biggest advice to filmmakers is to look into the many digital platforms that exist for you and your team to distribute your film.
There is lots of pressure to make a GOOD film. And not just a GOOD film but one that will somehow stand out in the sea of GOOD films.
I think staying away from labels is what makes my films refreshing.
I feel like social media is something that has yet to be considered a viable platform for marketing in the industry.
One hopes for that type of result but you just never know what factors will work in your favor. I think I just was concentrating on making the best film I could under the circumstances I was given. That's all I could really do.
I believe love is bittersweet, especially young love.
A theatrical on a tight budget really only becomes about generating critical reviews for you and your film, not revenue.
I hope my visual language inspires others to tell their stories and challenges people's thinking.
For me becoming a filmmaker was about taking back my voice - crafting stories that would move away from the problematic narratives that the studio system would put out about Latinos. I think this is why people like my films. They're refreshing. They feel more real.
Going from a short to a feature is like going from crawling to flying. It's a big jump, really. Everything triples - size of crew, budget, shooting days, the cast. Not to mention the stakes - as a first time feature filmmaker so much rides on this film.