I think we have to be careful saying what we will never do, because what we do is we limit what God has for us by saying what we will never ever do. A lot of times, we miss the right companion, job, or opportunity because we say we won't ever.
I hope to shine through my transparency and just let people know that we are all the same. I want children to look at things different like "You're shining too! You just shine in a different way."
The stage is not for me to practice. I'm not that artist. You practice at home and when you get on stage, it's time for a conversation.
It means a lot to be compared to Eric Roberson. He's a hero of mine.
Music is a universal language. You don't have to worry about what is being conveyed. You don't have to try to figure out what could be lost in translation. It goes directly to the pit of your soul. I think that's what music was intended to do.
Deep down, you do want a Grammy, you do want an Oscar. You do want people to acknowledge what you've done.
Overseas, language barriers keep me from doing a lot of talking and some of the jokes that I think are funny and they're like crickets. I have to sharpen up on that.