Seen from the United States or Europe, Iran's nuclear program often causes most concern, but from the perspective of countries in the Asia-Pacific region, the North Korean program is equally worrying.
The Iran nuclear issue is on top of the agenda. It is a very complicated issue with long history.
Satellite images suggest North Korea is building a light-water reactor and working on uranium enrichment. This is troubling.
I invite member states which are in a position to do so to make the necessary funding available as soon as possible in order to ensure smooth continuation of our activities.
Iran has not provided any explanations that enable the agency to clarify the outstanding practical measures.
This paves the way for the IAEA to begin verifying and monitoring Iran’s nuclear-related commitments under the agreement, as requested by the U.N. Security Council and authorized by the IAEA Board.
I call upon Iran to increase its cooperation with the agency and to provide timely access to all relevant information, documentation, sites, material and personnel.
There is now a historic opportunity to resolve the Iran nuclear issue. I hope that full use will be made of this opportunity.