Not really. I thought it was going to be but never really got around to writing about anything in particular. Just a lot of instant song composing and regular themes that I wouldn't even want to elaborate on...
We did have choruses before, just the libraries of music in people's heads are so undeveloped that their ideas of choruses are training wheels and the Bay City Rollers.
Dont you pretend that im not alive my bones never ache unless shes nearby where is your face in a safe of dead tongues i can see your reflection in your totem first born i suspect youve been carrying a pack of wolves i regret not killing you while i had the chance maybe i will always haunt you mark the somnolence with truth better hang your dead palace than have a living home to lose in the river ganges god damns my name dont let these hands sharpen your eyes a rasp of tails
...kidnappings, vanishings, 'what if' scenarios about how to get Republicans out of the White House if they'd got in.
I reckon we'll play the majority of the record and then we'll probably end the set with some of the older stuff that we can include improvisation on. I think the game plan is to play all the new stuff as individual songs, unless something opens up and we recognise it as a spot to fool around with.
Oh yeah, they do that right?
I was so excited that everyone would even say yes to sharing the stage. Mastodon, Diamanda [Galas], Antony [Hegarty]... I felt like a little kid, and I don't even know if we deserved it, but I've always thought ours was the most diverse so far. Hopefully Barry will let us do it again...
Yeah, I'd definitely push for more of that.
Yeah exactly, so if anyone's bummed that The Mars Volta record's too simple or too pop, they can buy that album and it'll take them right back to that kind of sound. It's one of my favourite things I've ever worked on. It's pretty much a Mars Volta record, just without Thomas, Ikey, and Marcel. With Volta [Octahedron] was just our acoustic record that turned into our pop record.
We wanted to make the opposite of all the records we've done. All along we've threatened people that we'd make a pop record, and now we have.