I originally had the stupid idea of doing a record with only male artists that I wanted to call Playing With Balls. Then I had so many songs, not all of which sounded like big, balls-y songs so I changed my concept a little bit. However, I still want to do that album, but only with industrial, rock, and macho guys. I'll sing over all of it if they're not too scared to let me do that...grrrr.
I'm influenced by music from all over the world, but rock and roll definitely comes from the United States, and I've always loved The Stooges. Ron Ashton said he would be interested in doing a track with me and I can't wait! I also did a track with Thurston Moore from Sonic Youth, but it didn't finish in time for the new CD. I like electronic No Wave and New Wave stuff from the end of the 70s' to the mid 80s', dark stuff, and psychedelic music from the end of the 60s' to the 70s'.
I only worked with people that I musically identify with. I typically chose songs they played for me, but in some instances I told some of the producers how a certain song should sound. Some songs were co-written by applying lyrics I had prepared over top of one of their old instrumentals or simply through improvisation. I wrote all the lyrics and was there during every production process, checking out every sound. However, most of the music was composed by the artists themselves. Most were usually very surprised at how their songs sounded with vocals! C.H.I.F.F.R.E. did the main production very well and we both wanted to try and achieve a roots-y electronic music sound, a little raw and noisy, but not too digital. I wanted a warm sound that left space for intimacy.