We all live with our losses. We don't want to, but we can
Carrie Jones -
Nobody is perfect, though. We all want everyone to think we are, but perfection is some crazy mythical state that we can never achieve. It is a goal beyond our grasp, always shifting and changing and taunting us, because it knows...it knows we can never reach it.
Carrie Jones
That’s a pretty big lie by omission
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Not ugly for someone her age, but what she's doing with those numbers and letters seem unholy.
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That is a definite no-no in the Good Father Handbook.
Carrie Jones -
I will not be violent," I chant-mutter. "I will not be violent. I am peaceful and good. I do not want to give anyone the finger.
Carrie Jones -
Is everyone as wrong about me as I am about them?
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I am not 'most' and I am not 'people'.
Carrie Jones
I swear, if she were a cat she'd be hissing.
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Some of us fight against it, doing everything we can to make it not true. Some of us lose ourselves to grief. Some of us lose ourselves to anger.
Carrie Jones -
Sometimes its not the dark that we are afraid of, but the absence of light.
Carrie Jones -
Sometimes it's good to give people something they're not expecting.
Carrie Jones -
Boys are stupid. That's all there is to it. Boys are just stupid.
Carrie Jones -
That's what people who love you do: they hold you and lie. They tell you that you're worthy, that everything will be all right, and they do that even when you both know without a doubt that this is not true, that is it nowhere near the truth.
Carrie Jones
Some things you never forget.
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I know it's like meant to be and stuff, but I have to wait, cause to truly love someone, you have to work out the things that need to be – and you have to be ready to love them and they, you.
Carrie Jones -
Pixies have to be invited in, like vampires. I read it on the Internet." "Well, there you go," I mutter. "Then it must be true.”
Carrie Jones -
Hate is a useless emotion.
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Zara. We all need to rescue and we all need to be rescued.
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"You were going to sacrifice yourself to save everyone else?" I cringed. Then I wimped out.
Carrie Jones
Hope is a crazy thing. It will make you believe.
Carrie Jones -
There are so many layers inside of people, so much soul pain and angsty depth and heart hurt, and some ... hide all this so well that when it comes out in an action as simple as a nod, your entire world shifts a little bit on its axis.
Carrie Jones -
Monsters? Why? Because we admit to the pain we cause? Admit we like it?...
Carrie Jones -
She is a beautiful creature, but beauty doesn't equal good and it certainly doesn't equal sane.
Carrie Jones