We don't really need reviewers, just first-night reporters who will tell us faithfully whether or not the audience liked the show.
Vulgar and obscene, the papers run rumors daily about people in show business, tales of wicked ways and witless affairs.
Conventional show-biz savvy held that Americans hated to be the objects of satire.
Those offers come in now and again. They're not knocking down my door. I'm only an old character actor, and I'm not needed.
The reviewer is a singularly detested enemy because he is, unlike the hapless artist, invulnerable.
Nations have come under the control of haters and fools.
Even a true artist does not always produce art.
The wages of pedantry is pain.
My professional life in Hollywood has been filled with joy and laughter.
Half the pictures directed by men of reputation fail.
My Irish derivation has nothing to do with me. Why should it?
I hate pride, but if I were going to be proud of anything it would have to be something I'd done myself. Race pride is kind of stupid.
I've run into some S.O.B. directors, but I gave them back as good as I got.
One irreducible residual of 38 years in the business is the number of lasting, loving friendships I have made.
I have heard show business characterized as a refuge for childlike persons in flight from all things harsh and real.
In a capitalist society, persons who create capital, like Michael Eisner, are given the staggering rewards.
It was a lack of system that made the '30s Depression as inevitable as all others previously suffered.
Sheer flattery got me into the theater. Flattery always works with me, particularly the flattery of women.
Not all celebrities are dunces.
I'm lucky. Lord, I'm lucky.
Both my brothers became physicians and I, of course, wandered into a business where the undisciplined are welcome.
Talent can be developed, gift is God-given. But artists have both.
It seems that entertainment is what most excites us and what we value above everything else.
Get between your kid and drugs, any way you can, if you want to save the kid's life.