The visibility at the best of times is liable to be a bit haxy due to clouds of ignorance.
Planning, evaluation, reasoning and establishing prioritites are all more important than brilliance - either behind the wheel or at the drawing board.
Until we have established reliability there is no sense at all in wasting time trying to make the thing go faster.
You must learn to define the problem before you attempt to cure it.
Horsepower sells motorcars and torque wins motor races.
He who understands, as always, can make his car work better than he who does not.
If you have complete control over the damned thing, you're not going fast enough.
The necessary fiddling about and moving things can be greatly facilitated by a bit of forethought.
Knowledge and ideas tend to be a bit like experience - nice, but not necessarily useful. Clear thinking, logical priorities and the ability to reason will beat bright ideas and unassisted experience everytime.
There are lots of people out there who prefer tinkering to winning - it gives them a good excuse.