Sometimes things are so insanely private, you don't even want to talk about them with yourself. Don't talk about them, don't wrestle with them, don't let them run you over. Let it be.
Grab the love. Hold on tight. Treasure it. Put that love you have for your husband first, arrange everything else around it, and all else will work out. Love must be cradled and nurtured and enjoyed and danced with. Never, ever, forget the love. It's why we want to live.
The only disease the alcoholics have is the disease of weakness and selfishness.
She was in that place in your soul where friends go who die but you still love them and talk to them and think of them.
We brush away the tears, and we get on with life. We always have things to do.
When moonlight touches you, it’s time for a woman to sit back and think, really think, about her life.
Sanity is tenuous. Tenuous. Comes and goes. Many of the brightest people floating about this planet have only a finger's grip on sanity, if that.
I am emotionally screwed up, but I put on a front and fake it so I can function. Sometimes I wonder how many other people are doing the same thing.
Wasn’t a live chicken - that would not have been kind to the chicken - but a whole, plucked chicken.
She said she arrived from Ireland after sliding off the curve of a rainbow with a dancing leprechaun and flew to America on the back of an owl.
I laughed until my fat hurt.
When you're sad or depressed, you might as well get something done," Lydia always said. "Pretty soon, you're not sad or depressed, and darned if things aren't done.