One of the most powerful ways to keep people controlled is to use faith or guns or both.
I'm completely fascinated with American politics because I think they dictate the politics of every nation of the Western world. So, it's very interesting to follow what's going on over here.
If a Danish politician would go up and say he believes in God, people would be a little bit taken aback by that because it's slightly different there than in the U.S. Most of Europe is not that faith based, especially in terms of the politics, and politicians don't use that there.
Human nature doesn't really change a lot. We haven't changed that much and politics haven't changed that much. It's still the same things we're debating today that we did 300 years ago, which is a little bit scary when you think about it.
But faith when we use it to make rules and control people, then it might become a bad thing.
Some period pieces are shot slightly objectively, a little bit, and some call it stuffy or dusty or old fashioned. I always felt that some of the films that I admire the most are the ones where they're intimate with the characters.