As Elizabeth Fisher pointed out in Woman's Creation, human history's first and longest reigning social unit was the mother and child, not the husband and wife.
It is important to note that we did not emerge into patriarchal religion from a dark, chaotic, immature period of primitivism; Goddess-centered cultures, including Minoan Crete, were highly evolved.
We have barely tapped the power that is ours. We are more than we know.
The boundary between ourselves and other people and between ourselves and Nature, is illusion. Oneness is reality.
He also noted, in explaining his methodology for the workshop, that when he had reflected and meditated on the pre-Hellenic myths until he 'became filled with a myth', the ways in which he thought about natural phenomena and even the entire universe were qualitatively different from the perceptions that woud have arisen if he had been immersed in, say, the patriarchal, industrialized, competitive, Victorian world that was Darwin's frame of reference. Swimme concluded that the myth's have a very deep biological basis and that by allowing ourselves to be filled with a myth, the universe itself is altered because our relationship to the universe is altered in a very real sense.
As the search continues for an understanding of the archetypal images, Jung would probably have us remember that an archetype is a hypothetical model, something like the 'pattern of behaviour' in biology. The portraits of the Goddesses in patriarchal mythology are, indeed, patterns of behaviour: They are stories told by men of how women react under patriarchy.
Aspiring to a depth of awareness of the sacred whole has always been the path to wisdom and grace.
The goal of feminist spirituality has never been the simple substitution of Yahweh-with-a-skirt. Rather, it seeks, in all its diversity, to revitalize relational, body-honoring, cosmologically grounded spiritual possibilities for women and all others.