Evil preaches tolerance until it is dominant, then it tries to silence good.
We live in a culture eager to make truth a boutique experience as malleable as our personal tastes require.
If new orthodoxies of unbelief attack inherited faith, if scientism and a cult of technology lower our eyes to the gadgets in our hands, the effect ripples across a culture’s soul.
The Church is harmed by an overly sentimental or anti-intellectual spirit in her work. In an “emotivist” age, the last thing we need is a flight from clear teaching.
The Founders believed that liberty depended on persons with the maturity to avoid both radical self-assertion and a timid reliance on the state.
We’re on a journey to a heavenly home, and we need all the help we can get. Societies
Tolerance is not a Christian value. Charity, justice, mercy, prudence, honesty - these are Christian values.
The Catholic philosopher Josef Pieper summed it up when he said that “the abuse of political power is fundamentally connected with the sophistic abuse of the word.
The point of this work and the Christian life as a whole is not burden and drudgery, but joy. Jesus
Mercy begins with a deep awareness of one’s own need for it. Whereas Alinsky first sees injustice in others, the man of mercy first sees sin within himself.
When we hope, we trust in God. When we despair or presume, we choose to trust ourselves instead.
M. Scott Peck’s classic book People of the Lie.
Religion is to democracy as a bridle is to a horse. Religion moderates democracy because it appeals to an authority higher than democracy itself.