A reviewer once commented that my urban fantasy novels were paced more like epic fantasy, in that they relied on complex world-building and a gradual immersion in the lives of the characters.
I tend not to reread books, because there's always something new to discover, but Dorothy Sayers is a comfort grab for me - there's no mood so bleak or cold so bad that Lord Peter and Bunter can't make it right.
In my next life, I want to be a housecat. Naps all the time!
The Sin Washer had died centuries ago, and His legacy seemed often to be in the accumulation of connections and power more than the distribution of emotional or spiritual ease. She kept that thought to herself. Wisdom came in many forms, and silence was often the most useful.
When I first started working on 'Staying Dead,' I got some well-meaning but negative feedback from industry folk because - back in 2001 - epic fantasy was still the big thing, alternate history a tight runner-up.
Winemakers have to adapt to what they're given by nature: the vines, the fruit, the soil and the weather.
I have opinions, sure, but they're mine, not something I'm going to insist everyone else take as any kind of gospel.
Call it not paranoia, but caution.
I think getting up every morning is the most amazing thing any of us do. We know what's out there, and yet we keep going.
That is the danger of an idea, Jerzy. Once planted, you cannot control where the roots may go.
Every time we revise our history, we also revise the mythology of our history.
Power calls to those who are hungry for power, and there are hungry idiots everywhere.
He checked, of course. Being sure and being willing to risk that surety against his future were not the same thing.
You're an artist when you're writing, a businessperson the rest of the time.
The classic epic fantasy is good versus evil, underdog against power.
Talent alone is not enough. In the end, Guardian, it is desire that creates a master vintner, makes him into a Vineart. A passion, not for power, or strength, but for the grapes themselves. Anything else leads to ruin.
Everything else was in the past, and the past no longer mattered.
The painful truth is that while we might have the illusion, none of us are free.
Any change in routine was terrifying, even if it involved less violence rather than more.
And still, the more he learned, the more he became aware that he did not know.