I'm a sinner. I don't always love God as strongly as I could or as directly as I should. Ash Wednesday reminds me that it is only through God that I have life; He gave it to me. God forgives. He loves. And He gives this sinner a second chance. Put simply: my God kicks ash.
It's pretty sad that when people see a guy buying flowers, they assume he's in trouble.
Sometimes we forget that sin really is optional.
The miracle of Good Friday is that there was no miracle. Legions of angels stood - with swords sheathed - watching as the Son took our place.
A homeless man standing at the off-ramp: the question in these moments isn't whether Jesus is in Him, but in me.
The funny thing about the boy who gave away his loaves and fish is that he, too, ended the day with a full stomach.
If you want to love God better, hate sin more.
Using death to defeat death... wow. No way the devil saw that one coming.
Time is the most valuable commodity we have, worth more than gold, yet wasted more than all else. Efficient use of time begins with prayer.
Prayer is where the cross changes shoulders.
People with a lot of theological study and no prayer life are dangerous... and not in a good way.
The man who built the manger had a purpose in mind... God had another. You'll never know how far reaching God's plan is for your work.
Everything we have - every blessing, every talent - is a gift from our Father. The only thing that's all ours is our sin.
We must not become so preoccupied looking for "major" miracles that we miss all the daily ones.
Consider God's love for you. Now double it. Now multiply that by 900 trillion. You're still not even close.
Oh, how thunderous the applause must be in Heaven, all those times we are mocked on earth for the sake of His name.
How beautiful that after 2,000 years, no one can outdo "God is love." It's the most perfectly concise, hopeful phrase in history.
God has a plan for you today: one designed to help get you to Heaven.
A parent asked me today, "How do you get your children to pray in church?" My response? "Pray at home."
Authentic Christianity is a roller-coaster ride, not a merry-go-round.