Bill Gaede Quotes
Quotes to Explore
Natural objects, for example, must be experienced before any theorizing about them can occur.
I was not influenced by composers as much as by natural objects and physical phenomena.
All designed tools and objects are sort of extensions of human abilities, and they do tend to make life richer for us. But, an awful lot of designs, especially in this country, make life a lot more inconvenient. I'm thinking, for instance, of high-fidelity units that have so many switches and toggles and buttons and things that they confuse most people.
Every image is to be seen as an object and every object as an image.
Biography is history seen through the prism of a person.
I'm not comfortable with categories, and I distrust most definitions. The word 'definition' is based on the word 'finite,' which would seem to indicate that once we've defined something, we don't need to think about it anymore.
An object dies when the gaze that lights on it has disappeared.
Just Detach From False Mental Objects And Be Enlightened To Being-As-Is
As children in the seventies we were told about nebulous 'strangers'. By definition, we didn't know who these strangers were, and we didn't know what they wanted to do, but only that they were sinister. I think that was the stage the seventies were at.
Truth offends everyone outside its definitions. But the irony of truth is that the greater its potential for offense, the greater its potential for giving hope.
My definition of what makes a journey wholly or partially horrible is boredom.
I define a diva as a woman who possesses courage, beauty, style, and confidence. Based on that definitions, I've probably got a bit more work to do.
A woman's vanity is interested in making the object of her choice the god of her idolatry.
Offensive objects, at a proper distance, acquire even a degree of beauty.
The view is often defended that sciences should be built up on clear and sharply defined basal concepts. In actual fact no science, not even the most exact, begins with such definitions. The true beginning of scientific activity consists rather in describing phenomena and then in proceeding to group, classify and correlate them.
It is far more important to me to preserve an unblemished conscience than to compass any object however great.
Flattery must be pretty thick before anybody objects to it.
Of the three official objects of our prison system: vengeance, deterrence, and reformation of the criminal, only one is achieved; and that is the one which is nakedly abominable.