Nico Santos (Nico Wellenbrink) Quotes
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My childhood was a happy one. I was captain of the school sports team and played cricket after class. I had five younger siblings and a large loving family that lived together. We are still very close.
Naeem Khan
I grew up in China, but I live in the U.S. and I want my children to understand what's going on over there. They ask me sometimes, 'Are we Chinese or Australians?' My family are in L.A., New York and China, and they have the freedom to go back and forth, which is really, really nice.
Wendi Deng Murdoch
My mother is a proud Brazilian. I love visiting my family in Rio; the city and its people are so vibrant and amazing.
Harley Viera-Newton
I dug the idea that I was being perceived as the black sheep of my family, but for me, it was like, I was a rebel, and that to me was most important.
Larry Bishop
It's successful, middle-class Arab men and women, professionals with seemingly happy family lives, who are prepared to go to paradise for a greater cause. That's terrifying.
Damian Lewis
I think as a child you know when it's time for your parents to split. You realise they love each other, but they're not in love with each other. And I think as a child it's much better for your parents to split than for them to stay and have dysfunction within the family.
Abbie Cornish
Like all the best families, we have our share of eccentricities, of impetuous and wayward youngsters and of family disagreements.
Queen Elizabeth II
I hope we will be able to have a happy family ourselves.
Kate Middleton
I'm a late riser by my family's standards. Sleeping is a luxury because since I was young, I woke up very early to go ice-skating. So I'm really not a morning girl.
Vera Wang
Acting is in my family. My cousins, my sister, and I always say it's a legacy that should be kept alive. In the future, it's something I really want.
Hailey Bieber
When my son was growing up, I was always guilty, no matter what I did. Make decisions and be happy with the decisions you've made. I tell myself, in the long run, it's the love, the quality of relationships that you have with your family, your friends and giving back to the community that matters.
Padmasree Warrior
The little world of childhood with its familiar surroundings is a model of the greater world. The more intensively the family has stamped its character upon the child, the more it will tend to feel and see its earlier miniature world again in the bigger world of adult life. Naturally this is not a conscious, intellectual process.
Carl Jung