In 1983, before computers came along, it wasn't easy to do electronic basslines and rhythms.
Blue Monday's distinctive intro was written on an Oberheim DMX drum machine.
'Blue Monday' is a dance track with a hint of melancholy.
There's a tendency when you write a book to portray yourself as the hero.
I didn't want children until my late thirties because my career was taking off, and I was having such a good time in New Order. But when you have children, you have to make decisions; I always wanted to stay at home with my kids.
When I joined New Order, I was made to feel equal to everyone else in the band so I didn't feel like an outsider. I was treated equally, I was paid equally, and my opinion was sought after.
You can never tell with New Order. Just when you think the band is coming to an end, it takes off again.