You can only possess what you experience. Truth to be understood must be lived.
The irony of conversing with a stranger is that your individual lives always look very different and personal, but then you strip away the nuances to find a common likeness buried inside of diversity. Take away money and geography and we’re all just flesh and blood and soul. We’re all dealing with sin and forgiveness, love and hate, glory and shame.
The full glory of the hokey pokey is to put your whole self in.
There is no corner of life where art is not needed. There is no corner of art where life is not needed.
Music needs no human justification. God saw fit to include music in the totality of his creation and as such it needs no further justification. This is the starting place for thinking about music, period, full stop, end of report.
It's not just about creativity. It's about the person you're becoming while you're creating.
I'm a politician, and as a politician I have the prerogative to lie whenever I want.
Faithfulness to one's calling is ultimately the only true measure of success. By your faithfulness you will change people and creation according to God's plan.
True artists pursue greatness in craft in order to give the Lord the best fruit of the talent He has given them, not to build themselves up. They understand that true greatness is found in the heart of the servant.
If you want to change the world, make something beautiful.